Picture via myglobaladventure.ca
Picture via myglobaladventure.ca

You don’t have much time left to give a local girl a chance of a lifetime.

O’Gorman High School student Sarah Duke is a finalist in the “Global Adventure Contest,’ and is right near the top of the list.

The Grade 10 student says the winner gets to study in England, France and Spain for two months through Blyth Academy, a private school based in Southern Ontario.

Duke says most feel sheltered in the North and don’t get opportunities like this.  She adds if she were able to go, she could learn and grow in a new culture and come back to inspire others to do the same.

Duke is quite active in school and in the community, participating in basketball, OHS’ school musical (The Suessical), student council, and a French ambassador program.

She is the lone finalist from Northern Ontario, and is looking for the north to band together and lend a hand.

To place your vote, CLICK HERE and click the VOTE button.  Once on the page, click on Duke’s picture.  There’s only one vote allowed per IP address.

Voting closes Monday, April 27th at 4pm and the winner is announced 30 minutes later.