kraft creek bridgeCity council is spending big now to save money down the road with the Kraft Creek Bridge.

The city’s been mulling over the idea to rebuild the bridge for some time but now seems ready to get the ball rolling. Two options for reconstruction were presented to council.  The first would see a 12-week build time with everything done on site.  This would mean diverting water, casting the piers out of concrete and closing Airport Rd for the same amount of time.

Project Manager, Laura Donaldson says going with the option of pre-casting the concrete would save money in maintenance, only take 8 weeks to build, and wouldn’t interfere with the environment.

“It has the lowest cost to build, shortest detour routes, shortest construction duration, eliminates risk between workers and motorists and has the longest durability because there’s no construction joints between stages.”

This option would cost $4.1 million but council gave it the thumbs up with construction likely to being at the end of next June.  Donaldson did mention however, proper reconstruction would involve closing Airport Rd for 8 weeks at the bridge.  She says drivers would have to go around by using Laforest road, a 0.8km difference in distance.

Donaldson also said to turn that portion on the road into a 70km/h section to best keep the pavement intact.

The bridge, built in 1979 sees on average 4,000 vehicles per day and is currently held together with wood, rocks and concrete.

Filed under: Local News