The Timmins Police Service is in receipt of a traffic complaint in regards to daily commuters on Hwy 101 between South Porcupine and Timmins.

A concerned citizen reports that typically between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., a number of motorists are travelling at speeds well above the posted speed limit and also engage in tail gating motorists.

The Timmins Police – traffic Section officers view this type of driving behavior as a direct threat to public safety.

Additional patrols will be undertaken in order to address this cause for concern.

Those motorists found to be in violation of the speed limit or engaging in any form of aggressive driving can rightfully expect a stern response from TPS enforcement officers at the road side.

The Timmins Police would much rather educate the motoring public than have to prosecute aggressive drivers. The burden of responsibility lies directly on the shoulders of the individual driver to address their own driving behaviors.

Filed under: Local News