A simple purchase could save Timmins around $60,000 a year in winter maintenance costs.

It was learned during Monday’s city council meeting that the city is looking for cost savings in their winter maintenance account, as the amount of kilometres needing to be maintaned—and the cost to do so—keeps going up.

About 87 kilometres was downloaded onto the city in 1997.

By looking into their options however, it’s been found that buying a new snow plow for the city—and a full-time worker to use it—could cut down costs.  This is because that’s one less snow plow the city has to go out and get from a third party.

It’s also said the per-year savings would be used to pay back the cost of the plow—approximately $275,000.

CLICK HERE for the report from the city.  CLICK HERE for the discussion, under Item 3D.

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