Dreamed of being a DJ? Want a behind the scenes TV studio tour and lunch with a prime time news journalist and host? Have a hankering to ride a Zamboni?

You can do all this and more by being the highest bidder at The Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat’s first ever Experience Auction available online at www.polarbearhabitat.ca/auction. Bidding will begin May19th and will be available right up until 10:00 PM at the Habitat’s annual Gala event on June 2, 2017.

“In a world where ‘things’ have become increasingly disposable, ending up in environmentally choking landfills, we want to promote the value of experiencing life and creating memories,” said Manager, Karen Cummings. “And since our friends are all over the world, we thought we’d get items people can bid on from Australia to California, and, of course in Cochrane too.”

The bucket list worthy items include a “learn to bake” session with Cochrane’s own Mad Baker who has a top-secret apple fritter recipe, a private tour for 4 at the California Wolf Centre, 4 VIP Magic Passes including Warner Bros. Movie World, Sea World, Wet’n’Wild Gold Coast and Paradise Country in Australia, 2 VIP Passes to Timmins’ Stars and Thunder Festival and a Float Plane Polar Bear Safari including lunch, in Attawapiskat, Ontario.

The online auction platform, donated by Cochrane’s Creative Novae, reflects the Habitat’s objectives to be environmentally responsible and globally focused. Guests will be able to bid from the comfort of their home, on their mobile devices and at the Gala event on IPADs, saving paper while opening the bidding to audiences throughout the world. “Bidding is incredibly fun. You can compete with friends next to you, or around the world in seconds once you’ve registered.”

Cummings said she had a great time finding the auction items. “We searched out experiences that are fun, cool and campy. Things you secretly always wanted to do, but never thought you’d get a chance. Every polar bear life is valuable – and we are responsible for making the lives of the bears in our care as enriching as possible. We want our supporters and friends to have enriching experiences – to value life – just like our bears. By the response we got from the amazing supporters who donated items, it’s clear they think so too.”

Tickets to the Gala event, held at Cochrane’s Tim Horton Event Centre June 2nd are also available on the Habitat’s online store at www.polarbearhabitat.ca/shop.

Filed under: Local News