Going into Tuesday’s Timmins city council meeting, there was a resolution to put in a three-way stop at the Pine North-Fifth Avenue intersection.

New information has since been looked over regarding the installation of a pedestrian crossover.

And with this info, city council is having a change of heart.

Manager of Engineering Pat Seguin tells council not to confuse it with a standard crosswalk, which there are several of already in Timmins.

He says these crossovers require all pedestrians to get fully across the road before a motorist can proceed.

They can be identified by triangles along the road where a vehicle must stop.

(CLICK HERE and scroll down to Question 5 of the FAQ section for the MTO’s definition.)

In the link, it mentions there are a few different types of crossovers. Those types were discussed by council.

Seguin referred to Greater Sudbury, who recently passed a motion to install 20 of these crossovers.

Councillor Noella Rinaldo pointed out there is a Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting Wednesday evening. MAAC has been vocal about this issue as well, and will get a chance to look at these crossovers.

A motion to defer the stop sign resolution passed, and we will look at this intersection once again in July.

CLICK HERE to view video of the whole discussion, under Item 6J.

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