There have been no new positive cases in the Porcupine Health Unit (PHU) area in the last 24 hours.

The PHU is reporting the total number of confirmed positive cases is 65, 8 of which remain active. As of yesterday, over 4,113 COVID-19 tests have been completed in our region. For more information, see phu.fyi/coronavirus.

With the long weekend almost here, the PHU is encouraging people to stay home as much as possible. If you are not feeling well, stay home. If you start to feel unwell while away, please go home. While out, please be safe. Do not do anything to injure yourself and add pressure to Emergency Medical Services.

Older adults are more at risk of developing severe complications. Almost half (48%) of the positive COVID-19 cases for the PHU area occur to individuals over the age of 60. For specifics, refer to this week’s epidemiology update on our website: phu.fyi/covid-report.

We need to continue to work together to keep reducing the spread of COVID-19! As more businesses open under provincial guidance, stay home as much as possible, limit trips to stores, send only one member per family to run errands when possible, wash hands frequently and maintain a physical distance of 2 metres when in stores. If you are not well, stay home. Increased testing will continue, and the health unit encourages individuals with symptoms, even if they are mild, to call their health care provider or the health unit for a referral to an Assessment Centre.

Our COVID-19 Information line is open today from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call the toll-free number, 1-800-461-1818, or the PHU office in your community. See phu.fyi/offices for local contact numbers.

Stay well. Stay home. Stay positive!

Filed under: Local News